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Full Integration for Flutter Logs

About Shipbook

ShipBook gives you the power to remotely gather, search and analyze your user logs and exceptions in the cloud, on a per-user & session basis.


ShipBookSDK is available as a package on

Run this command in the terminal to install ShipBookSDK:

flutter pub add shipbook_flutter

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

shipbook_flutter: ^0.1.1

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

Integrating ShipBook into your code

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:shipbook_flutter/shipbook_flutter.dart';

To initialize, add the following:

  Shipbook.start('YOUR_APP_ID', 'YOUR_APP_KEY');

To have a log on each class you need to create a logger:

  final log = Shipbook.getLogger('MODULE_NAME');

The usage of the log:

  log.e('the log message'); // Error log
log.w('the log message'); // Warning log
log.i('the log message'); // Info log
log.d('the log message'); // Debug log
log.v('the log message'); // Verbose log

Enable Shipbook debug logging

If your logs weren't uploaded to Shipbook, or you're experiencing some other issue with Shipbook, you can enable Shipbook debug logging to track down the problem.


Linking ShipBook to a user’s information

The SDK allows the option to associate each session with specific user information.

Register user:

The best practice is to set registerUser before ShipBook.start. It will also work after this point however, it will require an additional api request.

  Shipbook.registerUser('USER_ID', userName: 'USER_NAME',  fullName: 'FULL_NAME', email: 'USER_EMAIL', phoneNumber: 'USER_PHONE_NUMBER', additionalInfo: {'KEY_1': 'VALUE_1', 'KEY_2': 'VALUE_2'});

The only required parameter is USER_ID.


To logout the user, add the following code to your app’s logout function.



To log the user’s screen information, add the following code


The best practice is to add this code to viewWillAppear in the view controller.


Flush all logs on the device and send them now to the server.


Get the UUID

The SDK creates it's own UUID. So to get the UUID call te following code.


Additional Information

Static Function Alternative to getLogger

You may use a static function in place of getLogger. This is not recommended and the caveats are listed below. When a static function activates the logger, the tag will become the filename. The usage of the logs:

import 'package:shipbook_flutter/log.dart';


Log.e('the log message'); // Error log
Log.w('the log message'); // Warning log
Log.i('the log message'); // Info log
Log.d('the log message'); // Debug log
Log.v('the log message'); // Verbose log

As mentioned, working with this static logger isn't ideal:

  • Performance is slower, especially in cases where the log is closed
  • The log’s information is less detailed. Ideally, you should create a logger for each class.
  • The Log name can have a name collision with a local Log class.