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3rd Party Integration


We are fully integratable with both Jira and Slack!

Logbook Integration

From within the logbook note the share icon on the far right.

share button in the console

Click on share icon and a dropdown menu will appear with the following options:

jira logo share button Click on the JIRA icon to share the link to the page through JIRA.

slack logo share button Select the Slack icon to share the link to the page via Slack.

email icon share log information You can email the page link.

dowload icon share log data Download the data of the log to a csv file.

copy icon share link to log data Copy the link to your log data to your clipboard.

Loglytics Integration

Share logs and log information from both the main and item pages: share logs and integration with jira and slack display in loglytics main page

  • In the Loglytics Main Page select any of the errors, or warnings in the menu.
  • In the Loglytics item page of the selected log, Loglytics gives you the sharing options on the far right.

Alert system

To integrate Slack and have the alerts automatically sent to your team via Slack go to:

preferences share log data to you team via slack

Integration with Slack

Preferences -> 3rd Party Integrations -> Slack.

get automatic alerts sent to your team via slack

Here press the "Add to Slack" button. This will open Slack's authentication integration wizard which will enable you to fully integrate automatic alerts with Slack.

Shipbook makes it possible to easily and seamlessly continue working with the same software that you and your team work with.