Quick Integration for Android Logs
1. Installation Swift Package Manager
ShipBookSDK uses Swift Package Manager to install and manage dependencies. To install it in Xcode:
Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter
2. Initializing ShipBook into your code
In your AppDelegate file, add the following:
import ShipBookSDK
Then, add the following to application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:):
ShipBook.start(appId:"YOUR_APP_ID", appKey:"YOUR_APP_KEY")
3. Adding logs
The usage of the logs:
Log.e("the log message") // Error log
Log.w("the log message") // Warning log
Log.i("the log message") // Info log
Log.d("the log message") // Debug log
Log.v("the log message") // Verbose log