Quick Integration for Android Logs
1. Java Installation
ShipBookSDK is available through mavenCentral. To install it, simply add the following line to the dependencies in your build.gradle:
implementation 'io.shipbook:shipbooksdk:1.+'
2. Initializing ShipBook into your code
Add the following to your application file:
import io.shipbook.shipbooksdk.ShipBook;
And add the following to onCreate():
ShipBook.start(this,"YOUR_APP_ID", "YOUR_APP_KEY");
3. Quick Implementation
You can call all the usual Android logs, the only difference is that you should change the import from import android.util.Log; to import io.shipbook.shipbooksdk.Log;.
import io.shipbook.shipbooksdk.Log;
For example:
Log.e(TAG, "the log message"); // Error log
Log.w(TAG, "the log message"); // Warning log
Log.i(TAG, "the log message"); // Info log
Log.d(TAG, "the log message"); // Debug log
Log.v(TAG, "the log message"); // Verbose log