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Quick Integration for Flutter Logs

1. Installation

ShipBookSDK is available as a package on

Run this command in the terminal to install ShipBookSDK:

flutter pub add shipbook_flutter

2. Initializing ShipBook into your code

Add the following to your application file:

import 'package:shipbook_flutter/shipbook_flutter.dart';

To initialize, add the following:

  Shipbook.start('YOUR_APP_ID', 'YOUR_APP_KEY');

3. Quick Implementation

The usage of the logs:

import 'package:shipbook_flutter/log.dart';

Log.e('the log message'); // Error log
Log.w('the log message'); // Warning log
Log.i('the log message'); // Info log
Log.d('the log message'); // Debug log
Log.v('the log message'); // Verbose log

4. Run your app to verify installation.