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ShipBook SDK for iOS Log - Full Integration

About Shipbook

ShipBook gives you the power to remotely gather, search and analyze your user logs and exceptions in the cloud, on a per-user & session basis.


ShipBook works from SWIFT 4.2 (min. version 3), Objective-C and from iOS 10.


ShipBookSDK is available through:

  1. Swift Package Manager
  2. CocoaPods.
  3. Carthage

Using Swift Package Manager

Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter

Using CocoaPods

Once you have installed CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile and run pod install:

pod 'ShipBookSDK'

Using Carthage

Add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "ShipBook/ShipBookSDK-iOS"

If you use Carthage to build your dependencies, make sure you have added ShipBookSDK.framework to the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" section of your target, and have included them in your Carthage framework copying build phase.

Integrating ShipBook into your code

In your AppDelegate file, add the following:

  import ShipBookSDK

Then, add the following to application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:):

ShipBook.start(appId:"YOUR_APP_ID", appKey:"YOUR_APP_KEY")

To have a log on each class you need to create a logger.
For Example, in MainViewController:

import ShipBookSDK

fileprivate let log = ShipBook.getLogger(MainViewController.self)

The usage of the log:

log.e("the log message") // Error log
log.w("the log message") // Warning log
log.i("the log message") // Info log
log.d("the log message") // Debug log
log.v("the log message") // Verbose log

If you’d like to add a tag that isn't the name of the class you're using then you can add a custom tag:

import ShipBookSDK

fileprivate let log = ShipBook.getLogger("CUSTOM_TAG")

Enable Shipbook debug logging

If your logs weren't uploaded to Shipbook, or you're experiencing some other issue with Shipbook, you can enable Shipbook debug logging to track down the problem.

ShipBook.enableInnerLog(enable: true)

Linking ShipBook to a user’s information

The SDK allows the option to associate each session with specific user information.

Register user:

The best practice is to set registerUser before ShipBook.start. It will also work after this point however, it will require an additional api request.

ShipBook.registerUser(userId: "USER_ID",
userName: "USER_NAME",
fullName: "USER NAME",
email: "USER_EMAIL",
phoneNumber: "USER_PHONE_NUMBER",

The only required parameter is userId.


To logout the user, add the following code to your app’s logout function.



To log the user’s screen information, add the following code

ShipBook.screen(name: "SCREEN_NAME")

The best practice is to add this code to viewWillAppear in the view controller.


Flush all logs on the device and send them now to the server.


Additional Information

Automatically Importing ShipBookSDK

If you don’t want to manually add import ShipBookSDK to each source file, you may insert the following code to the AppDelegate file:

import ShipBookSDK
public typealias ShipBook = ShipBookSDK.ShipBook

Static Function Alternative to getLogger

You may use a static function in place of getLogger. This is not recommended and the caveats are listed below. When a static function activates the logger, the tag will become the filename. The usage of the log:

The usage of the log:

Log.e("the log message") // Error log
Log.w("the log message") // Warning log
Log.i("the log message") // Info log
Log.d("the log message") // Debug log
Log.v("the log message") // Verbose log

As mentioned, working with this static logger isn't ideal:

  • Performance is slower, especially in cases where the log is closed
  • The log’s information is less detailed. Ideally, you should create a logger for each class.
  • The Log name can have a name collision with a local Log class.

Using Wrappers with Shipbook

If you are already using some kind of a logging system, you may want to write wrappers to send the logs to both systems.

When creating the wrapper on the logs, you will need to implement all the parameters of each log.

For example a wrapper for log.e():

func e(_ msg:String,
tag:String? = nil,
function: String = #function,
file: String = #file,
line: Int = #line) {
log.e(msg: msg, tag: tag, function: function,file: file,line: line)

You can also implement the function that is receiving all the messages: message():

func e(_ msg:String,
tag:String? = nil,
function: String = #function,
file: String = #file,
line: Int = #line) {
log.message(msg: msg, severity: .Error, tag: tag, function: function,file: file,line: line)

The severity is an enum:

enum Severity : Int {
case Off = 0
case Error
case Warning
case Info
case Debug
case Verbose

Upload the dSYM file

Shipbook needs the dSYM file for the application to produce human-readable stack traces of the crash.

  1. In Xcode, select your project from the Project Navigator.
  2. Click on the application target.
  3. Select the Build Phase tab in the Settings editor.
  4. Click the + icon in the upper left corner of the main panel.
  5. Select New Run Script Phase from the dropdown.
  6. In the script box, add the following lines: Don't forget to adjust appId and symbolsKey



curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $symbolsKey" -F "data=@$filePath/Contents/Resources/DWARF/$PRODUCT_NAME" \
  1. Select for install builds only

3rd Party Integrations

Firebase Crashlytics

For integration with Firebase Crashlytics go to the following link: Firebase Crashlytics Integration


For integration with SwiftLog go to the following link: SwiftLog Integration


For integration with CocoaLumberjack go to the following link: CocoaLumberjack Integration


For integration with SwiftyBeaver go to the following link: SwiftyBeaver Integration