Integration with SwiftyBeaver
SwiftyBeaver Introduction
SwiftyBeaver is a Colorful, flexible, lightweight logging for Swift. With Shipbook you have visibility of all your app's issues and logs from remote and you can easily integrate Shipbook with SwiftyBeaver for a comprehensive solution.
Originally, SwiftyBeaver supported logging to a cloud service; however, this feature has been deprecated. Now, Shipbook can be used for cloud-based logging.
Integrating with SwiftyBeaver
Create a new file class called ShipbookDestination
Just add the following code and it will work out of the box with timber.
import ShipBookSDK
import SwiftyBeaver
public class ShipbookDestination: BaseDestination {
override public func send(_ level: SwiftyBeaver.Level, msg: String, thread: String, file: String,
function: String, line: Int, context: Any? = nil) -> String? {
let shipbookSeverity: Severity = {
switch(level) {
case .verbose: return Severity.Verbose
case .debug: return Severity.Debug
case .info: return Severity.Info
case .warning: return Severity.Warning
case .error: return Severity.Error
Log.message(msg: msg, severity: shipbookSeverity, tag: thread, function: function, file: file, line: line)
return super.send(level, msg: msg, thread: thread, file: file, function: function, line: line)
add Shipbook destination to SwiftyBeaver:
Add that near the top of your AppDelegate.swift
import ShipBookSDK
import SwiftyBeaver
let log = SwiftyBeaver.self
Add to AppDelegate:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions()
let shipbook = ShipbookDestination()
Now you can use SwiftyBeaver as you normally would, and all logs will be sent to Shipbook.
That's it! You're all set to use SwiftyBeaver with Shipbook.